Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm A Triathlete!!!

Oh My Gosh! I have so many thoughts and memories that I don't know where to start. I guess I should say I finished strong, with a smile and a big thumbs up. I have no idea what my time was officially but unofficially I finished in the 1:40 range, well ahead of my 1:50 projected time. They will have the official results posted sometime next week. It doesn't matter. I WON!

My transition area.
I woke up early and tried not to rush through my breakfast. But when you don't have to worry about your hair or really how you look it doesn't take long to get ready and I found myself twiddling my thumbs for a little while. I was a little disappointed because my husband was not going to be able to see the race. It's been extremely hot and dry and he had to get a few irrigation systems up and running to keep the crops alive. That's the life of a farmer.

I was the second person there and they were not quite ready for check in but soon enough the parking lot filled up and more and more bikes started rolling to the transition area. Since I was early getting there I picked what I thought was a good location at the end of the rack and set up my area.

After the finish, smiling with a big thumbs up!
Then I had to wait. I talked to my neighbors who formed a team and a few other people I knew. As start time got near I really felt calm. Whatever happened, happened. I had trained the best I could and knew I could finish. I just wanted to finish with a smile, not a mask of agony.

The weather was beautiful! All this week the temperature has been in the 105 range and the wind has been blowing 20-30 mph but not today. It was calm and cool with a thin layer of clouds in the sky. But they may not have been clouds. It might have been a layer of smoke from the wild fires in Colorado but either way it kept the sun from beating down and heating things up too soon.

The swim was ready to start and it turned out that I was to start next to Casey A. and another friend, Amber. It was nice to have people to share my nerves as we waited our turn in the pool. They did a serpentine swim where you switch lanes every length. I hit the water and all the training took over. I tried to keep my breathing even and relaxed but it was hard to do. I was passed by a few swimmers but they were late entrants that didn't turn in swim times. Over all I held my own and didn't have to side stroke or back stroke at all.

Transition went smooth and I was on my bike and headed for the hills. The directions for the bike ride went something like this. "Ride south until you get to the tree. Then turn around and ride back." We don't have many trees around here so that made perfect sense. I felt good and was peddling easy, taking the hills in stride and even passing some people! I kept an eye on my speed and knew I was doing well. But the ride ended too soon and it was time for the run. Yuck.

Casey and I after the race.
As I passed through the transition area each time I could hear my friends shouting encouragement and telling me to keep up the good work. That was so uplifting! I had no idea there would be so many spectators. What a rush!

Out of the shoot I went and started on my run. I knew I would be running intervals but how long the intervals would be was yet to be determined. I walked for a minute and started to run. After about 30 seconds I felt the start of a calf cramp so I stopped, rubbed my legs for a few seconds and then took off again. This time it felt better and I was able to run/walk my way through the first lap around the zoo. At that point I started to really smile to myself. I was going to make it. I was going to finish. And I was going to have a decent time too. I was able to maintain a 12 min/ml pace which is all I could hope for. When I turned the last corner and headed toward the finish line I was so proud that I didn't even care if my hips and knees were throbbing and my heart was pounding.

Kate, are you ready for your tri?
Crossing the finish line felt so good. And seeing my husband standing there was the best part of all. He had managed to fix the problem on the farm and make it back to see the finish. What a great guy! Gina was there, Kate and Dan too. Casey had finished long before me and was on hand to give me a hug. I was winded and tired, but felt pretty good considering what I had just been through. I am now a triathlete. I finished in style with a smile and a big thumbs up.

They won't have the results for a while but I don't need an official time to tell me how I did. My run and ride were faster then my projected time so I know I did well time wise. The most important results won't be in any official records but in my heart, in the support of my friends and family, and in my own mind. It feels so good to set a goal and reach it. I've learned so much about myself these past 11 weeks and I like who I am. I will be doing more triathlons but I won't become a fanatic. A few a year will be plenty. I'll post the results when they have them available but in my heart I WON!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thank You

Today is a rest day so I went for a walk this morning to keep loose. I usually don't post anything on a rest day but I need to thank so many people and wanted to look back at the nuts and bolts of this journey.

When you see your friends accomplishing amazing things it's natural to want to share in the experience. I have a wonderful group of people around me who inspire and motivate me to try new things and reach for new heights. They run marathons, half marathons, 10K and 5K races. They compete in Triathlons and Duathlons. They ride in time trials, endurance rides, cross the state rides, and cross country rides. How can I not try for more when I have such role models around me.
Only 2 squares not colored.
Running farther does not interest me so doing something like a triathlon caught my attention. Traci W. and Casey A. have excelled in this area and have inspired Claudia B. to try a Half Iron Man Triathlon this fall. I looked into the distances and the training involved and found the web site. I thought the workouts were realistic for someone who is just wanting to compete. I have no illusions of being fast so the next step was to talk to my husband. Bless his heart, he didn't discourage me, and said if I was crazy enough to try it then go ahead. I vowed from the start that I would not train on our time but on my time and for the most part I have succeeded. Deep down, I know he's proud of the work I've put in and that I'm doing something not many can say they have done.

So, on April 16th training began. It started easy but soon got more difficult and more time consuming. When all was said and done the numbers stack up like this. I have logged 450.08 miles in the pool, on my bike, and on my feet. I've spent 51.5 hours and burned over 20,000 calories. That's 94 miles of running/walking, 7.5 miles in the pool, and 348 miles on my bike. All of this hopefully will add up to completing the race with a thumbs up and a smile. On the down side, I've actually gained 5 pounds in the process. Not sure why, but there it is.

I need to thank so many people and I don't want to leave anyone out. First, my co-workers and bike riding buddies, Kate H. and Claudia B. Kate is actually learning how to swim so she can compete in a triathlon this summer. Talk about dedication. Just a year and a half ago she swore she couldn't run but now blows the socks off her competition and was such a good sport on the Hays bike ride. She gets it done. Claudia is a woman on a mission. She is always reaching farther and higher and doesn't know the meaning of quit. She's training for a half iron tri and has run a half marathon and ridden across the state. Wow. 

Then there are Gina G., Dan K., and Casey A. Gina is so supportive and upbeat and always ready to go for a ride. She's run a half marathon and is planning to run a full in the fall. She got her bike last November and is loving every mile. Dan is a wellness trainer at the local Wellness center and a super motivator for everyone whom he comes into contact. He runs for the joy of it and encourages everyone around him to push harder and go farther and don't be afraid to try something new. He's grudgingly nursing an ankle injury and working on his swimming for therapy. Casey is a power house. She does it all and does it well. She rides her bike with a passion and power that leaves the rest of us in the dust, and in awe. She's always got a smile on her face and a kind word of encouragement.

I don't want to leave my "Running Friends" out. This group of Facebook friends have been with me every step of the way. Maryll, my sister Sandra, my daughter Lyndi, Betsy, Carla, Kara, my niece Dana, Amy, Melanie, each one has played a roll in getting me to this point. Thanks ladies!!! Keep moving, whatever you can, whenever you can.

Traci W. Wow, I don't know where to start. At this moment she is in Montana biking across the United States solo, carrying all her gear on her bike. I can't even wrap my mind around what she is accomplishing and enduring to raise money for a local charity. She's given me advice and encouragement and so many pep talks over the past few years I can't even begin to count them all. Today I received a good luck card from her postmarked Montana. With all she has to worry about and plan and keep track of she still sent me a few words of encouragement that I will treasure forever.

Finally I need to thank my husband Bob. He works hard on the farm and gets his exercise the old fashioned way. He just shakes his head at my crazy ideas and sends me on my way. He rubs my calves when I get cramps and lectures me about running in the heat. But he tells everyone he sees that his wife is going to do a triathlon. I know he's proud of me and supports me even though he thinks I'm nuts.

I've been asked why I'm doing this and I say, "Because I can". It is through the grace of God that my body allows me to swim, bike, and run at my age without too much difficulty. It is through his blessings that I'm able to compete in area races and support the charities and organizations that do such good for others. And it is through God that I gain peace and stillness even when my heart is pounding and lungs are aching. Thank you all for your love and support. Tomorrow, look for a thumbs up at the finish line!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last Workout Before The Race

As I color in the last workout square of my training schedule I feel a calm wash over me. I've done it. I've completed 11 weeks of training and followed the program, often doing more then called for, and only missed 2 days of workouts. If nothing else, I've proven to myself that I can do the work and put in the time. Pretty darn proud of that no matter what happens on Saturday.

Today's workout called for a swim and run but I threw a ride in to make it complete. I went to the Y because I wanted to do this in the morning so it would be like the race. A 300 meter swim, 5.15 mile ride, and a 1.5 mile run to finish in style. I felt really good throughout everything. The swim is much stronger then when I started back in April and the ride was interesting since it was through town with lots of stop lights and signs, dips and brick streets, and lots of cars and trucks. I didn't push the run and made sure I walked enough at the beginning to keep my legs from cramping. It felt good. I can do this!

Now I get to relax for a little while and pack and repack my tri bags at least a million times. I'll check my bike over and worry that I've forgotten something right up until the time that I can't do anything about it anyway. As for race strategy? Simple. Finish upright, without the aid of Emergency Medical Services!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Forget Something?

Yup. Sure did. I left the house for a ride this morning and it was beautiful, a light wind, a little cool, clear blue sky. I was just enjoying the morning and the wind in my hair....wait, the wind in my hair? I had forgotten to put on my helmet! It felt nice but I know better then to ride anywhere especially on the highway without my hard hat. I turned around and headed back the half mile to home and started again. It was still beautiful, the wind was picking up a little more, and the sky was still blue but this time, no wind in my hair. I finished my 17 mile ride and the wind had picked up to it's usual 15 mph with the high of 109 in the forecast. It's supposed to be slightly cooler on Saturday for my race, only 100 for the high. I'm more worried about the wind for the bike ride, but at least everyone has to battle the same conditions.

Yesterday I went for a swim at the Big Pool and then a walk/jog around the zoo. It was 105 out and I am crazy, not stupid. I carried my water bottle and did 1x1 intervals. My calf muscles are almost back to normal but I'm drinking what seems like gallons of water and taking calcium and potassium supplements by the handful. I do not want to get a major cramp before this weekend.

I only have one more workout on the schedule before the race. I can't believe it's almost hear and that I've stuck to the program. So far I've only missed 2 days of workouts for the past 11 weeks. I need to quite thinking of this as the end, but the start of the next phase. Claudia want's me to do a Tri with her in September and there are a few Mini Tri's in the area over the summer that look interesting. So even though this may be the end of my training program, it's not the end of my workouts. We'll see how I feel after Saturday if I want to pursue this sport farther.

But for now, I'm going to enjoy a few easy days, keep hydrated, over think the transitions, and calculate and recalculate my expected times again and again and again. Only 4 days to go. I hope I don't forget anything!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ride, Boldly Ride

Gina, Kate, and Me. Casey was behind the camera.
I was apprehensive about this morning's ride. Would it put unwanted stress on my already aching calf muscles? I didn't want to finish up hobbling like an old lady. I did modify my plans a little and hauled my bike to the meeting place instead of riding the extra 4 miles there. It was a beautiful morning and the wind was manageable so we headed south out of town to ride on the newly resurfaced old highway.

It was smoooooooth. The road before had pot holes and the outer 1/3 was pretty cracked and broken down. It was rippled and lumpy and beaten down by years of truck traffic. Now it's a joy to ride, even against the wind and up the hills.

Proof we were ahead of Casey, at least for a little while.
Kate, Gina, and Casey were along for the ride. I've found that running is a solo pursuit but biking is a group adventure. I don't mind riding alone but it's more fun with friends along. Casey gave us a little lesson in power riding and took off like a shot on the way back. I couldn't even begin to keep up and I thought I was cruising. When us three slower riders got back to the meeting place she had already had time to post our pictures on Facebook. We were humbled. When I grow up I want to ride like Casey!

My calf muscles felt fine after the ride, nice and loose. I'll try and keep them that way all day. I'm proud to say I I have finished 10 weeks of training and should be ready to tackle the triathlon and survive. I am a turtle and there is nothing going to change that. But I'll be there and I'll finish. Let the count down begin!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pain Is Not A Good Thing

It's easy to listen to my body today. It's screaming at me right now. My calves are so tight and sore I can barely stand. I developed cramps during my tri practice on Thursday and the resulting pain is not going away. I managed a 5.5 mile run this morning, running intervals of course, and felt OK once I got loosened up. But as the day wares on the pain is getting worse and worse. My kingdom for a good massage!

With one week until my big race I'm worried about this pain. I'm going riding with the girls tomorrow morning so I hope that loosens my leg muscles and doesn't do any damage. I may have to rethink my workouts this week to let my legs heal a little. I can't believe how sore they are!

Wow, one week to go until my race. I have so many people giving me encouragement it's unbelievable. I don't want to let them, or myself, down. It's time to channel my turtle power and keep focused. One week. Yikes!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Tri Practice

The local Recreation Commission is having a Mini Sprint Triathlon in July and I've already signed up. It's short, 225 meter swim, 9 mile ride, 2.5 mile run, but that's fine with me. I did this one as a Duathlon last year and got the multi-sport race bug. It's geared toward beginners so as part of the program they are offering practice Tri events in the weeks leading up to the race.

Tonight was the first one and really really short. 75 meter swim, 3 mile ride, 1/2 mile run. I decided to use this as transition training and I'm glad I did. I lined everything up and had to think through each stage of the race and make sure it was ready. It may have been over kill for this short race but I needed to see if I had thought of everything.

The swim was done in a flash and I walked out of the pool and into the parking lot dripping wet, sat on my towel and got into my riding gear. Everything went great. I didn't have any problems getting my socks on and I made sure I took a big drink of Gatorade before leaving for the ride. I only forgot one thing and that was to start my GPS watch. I tried to start it on the ride out but needed to pay too much attention to where I was going. There was a lot of traffic at the pool because the adjacent baseball fields were packed with kids.

The transition to the run went smooth as I swapped out my shoes and took another big drink of Gatorade. However on the run I developed hard pin point cramps at the top of my calf muscles. After the first 1/4 mile I had to stop and rub them out a little but I was fine after that.

Looking at my time I was disappointed. I had to remember my turtle power and realize that I'm not fast at anything and live with it. My ride was a little slow, only 14 mph but my little run was OK. I know I will have to run intervals and that's fine with me.

Overall it was a good practice. They are having another one next week and I think I'll do it again. The distances are a little longer but not so long as to tire me out for my race next Saturday. I can't believe it's going to be here so soon! I have a busy weekend ahead with running, biking, and most importantly, my grandson's 1st Birthday Party!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Lady Does It All

I can't believe I'm preparing for a triathlon and still feel like a slacker. I can thank Claudia B. for that. She is determined to go farther and faster and has set her sights on the Red Man Half Iron Triathlon this fall.

But that's not all she's up to these days. This spring she ran in the Oklahoma Memorial Half Marathon and just finished the Bike Across Kansas this past weekend. So to rest up from that she does a few laps at the pool and heads to El Dorado for an Olympic distance Triathlon. Holy Cow!

Trying out a new wet suit.
Claudia is a runner at heart and getting very strong on her bike. Swimming is her weak event but she still cuts pretty nicely through the water. I'm glad I can draw inspiration from her and feel that push I need to set my sights higher. Good Luck Claudia! You will do awesome.

I did pretty well on my swim tonight. I felt much more comfortable with the longer distance of the 50 meter pool and was able to swim 800 meters without too much trouble. I still stop after each 100 for a few seconds but that's the way it's going to be. Tomorrow is a morning bike ride. Hope the wind cooperates!

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Big Pool
Lap section of the pool.

As a kid I used to go to the Big Pool on Sundays and paddle around the shallow end. In my child's eye I saw how big it was but didn't have the ability to appreciate the actual size of the "Worlds Largest, Free, Municipal, Concrete, Outdoor Swimming Pool". I haven't been to the pool in over 30 years and seeing it again up close and personal for the first time again was intimidating. The pool is 330 feet x 220 feet (larger then a football field!) and holds 2.6 million gallons of water. The lap swim area only takes up a small portion of the entire pool.

It goes on and on and on!
The water was cold and less then clear but I jumped in and took off down the lane. I thought I would never get to the other end! It seemed to go on forever. I struggled but managed 500 meters with stops at each end. By 400 meters I was getting my breathing down and feeling better. I need to swim at the pool a few more times before the triathlon to really get the hang of the longer length. I followed the swim with a 5K run but it was 97 degrees and I had to walk more then I wanted.

The pool lost it's "Worlds Largest etc." designation when they reconfigured for the slides and other improvements and started to charge admission. The Big Pool is a wonder and tribute to the people of Garden City. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I was riding this morning and thinking I have the most wonderful husband and father to my children. He has been so supportive of my running and now my triathlon training. I read somewhere when I was thinking about this project that the first thing one needed to do was talk to your significant other. Without their support it would make the training almost impossible. My husband has been wonderful throughout these past 2 months. As the training has gotten harder and the workouts longer he's been more than understanding. I couldn't ask for more then that. (Just don't tell him how much my gear costs!)

Nine weeks of training are behind me with one hard week ahead. My 20 mile ride this morning was interesting. I tried some new roads and I hit a lot of dead ends in that neighborhood. The advantage was it had lots of hills to practice climbing. The disadvantages were I didn't know the roads and one mean dog that thought I was pretty fun to chase.

We should be done with harvest this week and I am looking forward to some rest time. It seems like I always need a nap! Week 10, here I come. Turtle Power!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rest Day, Sort Of

I moved my rest day to Saturday and ran yesterday just so things would fit better into my schedule. It was the longest run in a while for me and my legs feel it a little. I managed 4.85 miles with 8/1 intervals in 54 minutes. Not a speedster by any means, but felt pretty good through it all. My heart rate stayed in the low 150's and my breathing was controlled and even. The pace is still too slow for my liking but maybe I'll work on building the speed up with the triathlon is over.

I'm looking forward to my rest day because I get to spend the day with my grandson. It rained last night so I won't be taking lunch to the field for harvest. I don't know how I would have found time to train if I was still working my regular job right now. My hat is off to those who manage to fit their workouts into their schedule AND work a job, AND run after kids, AND keep up with the day to day things around the house. Maybe that's why you see so many 40 and 50 year olds at these events. Their kids are grown and they have a little more time on their hands. Just a thought.

Tomorrow I plan a 20 mile bike ride and that will complete week 9 of my workout schedule. I can't believe the race is 2 weeks from today. I'm so excited and nervous that I just wish it would hurry up and get here!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stampede, With Real Cows!

Cows on the move. Stampede!
Another first on my bike. I started a stampede.

Gina G. and I went for an early morning ride and rode south into the sandhills. It was tough going against the wind, but our friends doing the Bike Across Kansas have been battling it all week so we surely could handle it for a few miles. At one point there was a nice heard of cows with their baby calves beside us. The little ones are so cute and they started trotting along with us along the fence. Pretty soon, more and more were running with us, then the whole herd broke away and headed across the pasture. Gina thought it might be our yellow jerseys that finally scared them away, but it felt a little depressing to think we caused a stampede.

Gina G.
I'm sure they slowed down before they broke free and caused any real damage. Then again, they may have been headed toward the feed bunk and we just happened to be there to see them head for their breakfest.

That's what I like about riding out in the hills. They have a wildness about them that can make you think you are a pioneer crossing the great praire. I've seen deer crossing within 50 yards of me. Turtles were on the move this morning and we saw plenty. I haven't seen too many live snakes, but I have seen dead ones and that's fine with me. With a little rain the desert flowers come into bloom and the view is splendid.

Now if we could just do something about the wind. We managed fine and had a great tailwind ride home. I hit 35 mph going down Sunflower hill and that was plenty fast for me! Gina has been riding for just over 8 months now and is getting to be very strong. I'm so fortunate that I have friends that enjoy riding and feeling the wind at our backs. It makes the miles fly by.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Counting Laps

I know they make little doo-hickies that you can count your laps on in the pool but I didn't think I needed one. I may have been wrong. This morning I thought I did 32 lengths. That's 800 meters. But my time was right at 22 minutes. I know I'm getting better but not that much better. There is a possibility that I miss-counted and it was only 750 meters. Either way I felt really good and think I'm ready for the swim portion of the triathlon. Next week I'm going to try and swim at the Big Pool to get used to the 50 meter length. Bonus: I don't have to count as much!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Locker Room Talk

After my swim I was toweling off in the locker room and a lady commented on my tri-suit saying she has the exact same one. This is my new two piece suit that I wore for the first time today. It's a Zoot and so far I really like it. At least the bottoms don't sag when I get out of the pool. We started talking about triathlons and gear and where we work out. She is from out of town and here on business and has her workouts planned for each town she's going to be in this week. That's dedication. She's preparing for the El Dorado Triathlon which is an open water swim. We compared GPS watches and heart rate monitor straps. It was so nice to have something in common that two strangers can talk about while dripping wet in the locker room.

My run portion of my workout went really well with my heart rate staying right at 150. It never really got any higher then that and for the first time in a long time I felt like I could run and run and run. I still kept to my intervals, sort of, which for today were 8 minutes of running with 30 second walk breaks. I stretched some of the running time out and finished my four sets of intervals without feeling totally dead. The pace was slow, but I'm not going to worry about that just yet. I think it's more important to train my heart. Especially after hearing about my niece's experience at a half marathon over the weekend.

She had a massive nose bleed on the route at around mile 5 and it got so bad that they pulled her in off the course. At that point her blood pressure was extremely high and she had broken some blood vessels in her nose. She finished the race, but at nearly a walk the rest of the way. I'm trying to prevent any heart issues by following the heart rate training guide carefully. It seems to be helping, but it's frustrating to have to accept being slower then you want to be or then you were just a year ago.

Tomorrow is another swim because I'm going biking with a friend on Thursday. It helps the time and miles fly by when you have someone to ride beside.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

That's Power

Today marks the end of training week 8 for me and I was going to write about sucking it up for the next 2 hard weeks worth of workouts. Instead I want to tell you about my friend Casey A. I've only known her a few months really, and only as a fellow athlete at that. But what I do know is that she is an amazing lady that has worked through some tough times and come out on top with a smile and a helping hand for others.

When I think of Casey I think power. She's competed in half iron triathlons and numerous bike endurance rides and races. She rides with the guys from the bike club and pushes them to the limit. Power.

Right now Casey and Claudia B. are participating in the Bike Across Kansas ride and in typical Casey style she's pulling a trailer with her gear instead of having it hauled by the support truck. The wind is howling today and Casey just reported that she bypassed all 3 SAG stops just to get the ride over with. Even hauling all that extra weight she arrived at the next overnight stop first, ahead of any of the support vehicles, so she got to choose a prime location for her tent. Power.

Along with all that power is a willingness to help others become better. We were riding in a group headed up a long incline and Gina was struggling a little. Casey turned around and road back, like she does so often, and road next to Gina, put her hand on Gina's back and pushed her up the rest of the hill. Power.

I hope I get to know Casey better as we continue to ride and share adventures. I hope I remember her willingness to help others when they struggle. I hope I someday can keep up with her for even a few miles on  my bike. For now, I'll just admire her power. Power to overcome. Power to motivate. Power to achieve. Power.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Longhorn Stampede

Today was the second anniversary of the first 5K I ever entered. The Longhorn Stampede is put on by our local Recreation Commission to help the high school cross country team raise money. The first year I entered just to get me dedicated to walking. I had only jogged very short distances but was walking about 3 days a week. I talked a friend into doing it with me and we signed on the line and put down our money. I was willing to try as long as I could walk most of the way.

I was nervous that morning and didn't know what to expect. There sure seemed to be a lot of people there, and some of them looked so fit! I knew quite a few of the participants and there were lots of kids and people pushing baby strollers. The atmosphere was so fun and upbeat and everyone was so friendly and encouraging.

When the run was done I knew I was hooked. I walked well over half the coarse and the little running I did nearly killed me! I was so red in the face everyone kept asking if I was alright. I felt great! I was tired but so proud that I had finished. And miracle of miracles, I placed second in the 50 -59 age bracket. Even as slow as I was I still beat a few other old ladies. That medal was so precious to me! I've run much faster since then but that medal will always be my favorite.

Now, two years later, I'm still not fast and still walked about 2 minutes of my time today. There were more fast old ladies today so no medal for me. I have a feeling I'll need to hang on until I get to the 60 and over division to win many more medals but that's not the reason we run. Ask most any runner why they do it and they'll answer in a heart beat, "because we can." I get so excited when I see the kids running, but just as excited to see the older ladies just starting out. Or the ladies who are a little on the heavy side trying to make a difference in their lives. Or the men who know they are not going to catch the fast guys, but they are out there anyway.

We run because we can. And if that helps a charity or organization along the way, all the better. Two years ago this race changed my life. Now when people ask why in the world I'm doing a triathlon I can say with pride, because I can.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Morning Swim, The Jury Is Still Out

This morning I went for an early swim at the Y. My body was sluggish and I didn't have a lot of energy. But when I got in the pool and got my rhythm going I felt fine. The pool wasn't crowded and I got my 700 meters in without any problem.

So do I continue to go in the mornings? I'm not sure. Now that I'm off for a few weeks it fits my schedule better. I can workout and get on with  my day. But was I looking forward to it? No. I would have rather slept a little later. I might try to swim at the Big Pool next week to get used to the 50 meter length but they don't have a designated lap swim time and the area isn't roped off. If I do that I'll be swimming in the afternoon which really cuts up the day. Oh the decisions that have to be made. Who knew!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brick Workouts Rock

Today was a brick workout where you ride for 30 minutes then run/walk for 30 minutes. The theory is that you are doing 2/3 of the triathlon distances (sort of) and feeling good enough about it to not panic at doing the entire distance. I think it's working. I know I will not be fast but I know I can hit my target time. It won't be easy, but I can do it!

The wind was already blowing pretty good when I hit the road this morning and the overcast sky made it a little cool. I'm wondering how cold it is going to feel in a wet swimming suit. I put a jacket on for the bike but took it off for the run. I was a little cool but after a while it only affected my arms. I'll have to read some reviews of races and see what other people have done. Isn't the internet wonderful!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Too Darn Hot!

This week's workouts are all jumbled up for various reasons so today was going to be a long 50 minute run with 7/1 run/walk intervals. That doesn't sound too bad, unless you miss-judge the temperature and try it in 90+ degree heat. I swear when I looked at the weather station the temperature was dropping, but I was wrong.

Needless to say, I didn't get much running done. After the second set I was pooped. I managed to run in little spurts after that but it ended up mostly being a walk in the heat. I was too impatient and didn't want to wait until this evening to run. Last time I did an evening run I had major leg cramps in both legs in the middle of the night. Whether that was a factor in the cramps or not I don't know, but why risk it.

Tomorrow is my last day at work for the summer and most likely the first day of harvest. That means even though it's a rest day from training I won't be doing much resting. At least from now on I can run in the morning when it's cool. Ahhhhhh.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where Did All These People Come From?

Tonight's swim was more like a stampede. When I got there four people were in the pool. By the time I finished 600 meters there were almost 15, with several standing on the side waiting to get in. This included several kids who couldn't swim the entire length so needed to be on the edge so they could hang on the side when they got tired. The wake was really choppy and you really had to watch what was going on. I guess it was good practice for a tri with lots of people in the pool at the same time but it made me cut my swim short by a few laps so others could get in. This is the first time it's been that crowded.

I also got another strange reaction to my triathlon effort. The director at the Y is a friend of my daughter and I've known her for years. The Y sponsored the race I ran last weekend and she asked me how I felt and told me I did well. Then she asked if I was doing the run part of the tri as a team member. When I told her that I was going to do it all myself she looked shocked. I mean really, do I look that out of shape or non-athletic in some way? I just smiled and started my swim. It will be fun to see her face when I finish in style!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ready to tackle week 8 of my training. It's also my last few days of work before my summer break. Yeah! The bad news is we may be starting harvest by the end of the week so not much of a slow down for me at all. But I am becoming an expert at time management so I can handle the hectic schedule.

On the down side I looked at the results of last years triathlon that I'm entering and my projected time will put me almost dead last. There isn't much I can do about that as I don't see myself suddenly swimming, biking or running faster in the next 4 weeks. But I plan to finish in style, smiling and with a thumbs up.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hoof It To Health

Today was a local 5K and I wanted to give it another try. I'm happy to report that I felt much better on the run and even finished with a kick. My time is still slow but was the best time so far this year. Can't ask for much more then that. But man oh man those fast guys can fly!

Tomorrow I'm going for a ride then a walk to finish out week 7 of my training. It's been a challenge but I've only missed two workouts so far. I'm also finding out that many who said they would also do the Big Pool Triathlon are finding other things to do instead. I was hoping to have a few friends on the road and in the pool for a little moral support but I think I'll be all alone. I do know one neighbor who is going to be the running part of a team but that's not quite the same thing. Oh well. Schedules change and life gets in the way. I have to remember that my time table is not everyone's time table.

After the race then a day babysitting my grandson I'm tired, but we are going out to celebrate my good run, and a friends birthday. Tomorrow it's cycle time!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tortoise  and the Hare

Today I found a running buddy! A box turtle was slowly making his way down the road as I passed him on my bike. I called out to him and told him to be careful, it was dangerous on the road. As I passed him again on my way home he had made progress, but was still in the road too far for my liking. I swapped out of my bike gear and into my running gear and headed out again on my brick workout. Sure enough, there he was, just plodding along and still making progress toward an unknown destination. Again I called to him and told him to move to the side of the road or he would be flattened by a car.

On my run home I could see him clearly, but now he had moved almost to the center of the road! Behind me I heard a car coming and knew that to miss me they could very likely hit my new friend. Like a crazy person I ran toward the middle of the road and put myself between the car and the turtle. As the car slowed and pulled up beside me the passenger rolled down her window and told me she had seen him and was going to move him to the side. My little turtle sure had people looking out for him.

That made me think of my running struggles. I should be like the turtle and work toward my goal no matter what the obstacle and not be easily side tracked by well meaning passers by. I'm sure when I left, Mr. Turtle started off again on his journey to only he knew where, shaking off the mild set back of a well meaning passer-by like me who totally took him off his chosen course.  Injuries, bad weather, birthday parties, work obligations; these are all obstacles that can side track me very easily. I need to learn how to go with the flow, take the set back, deal with the issues, then get back on track to a destination known only to me.

I want to be a turtle. I know I won't win many races but I know I'll finish. Whatever sets me back, or moves me to the side of the road, I can deal with and move on. Being a turtle is going to turn out just fine.