Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Shout Out To Race Directors

I've developed a bad case of laryngitis and the silence is killing me! So I'm giving a shout out to all race directors out there and doing it with my laptop.

Dear Race Directors,

Please put your races on the calendars as soon as possible. Believe it or not, it takes time to train for these events and some training programs are 12 - 16 week programs, even longer for really big races. I know many of you are working with public funds and private boards, but we participants would love to put your race on our calendar and start mapping out our training.

Advertise your events on public web sites. I've been monitoring several of the more popular triathlon sites and somehow a lot of races that I KNOW are coming up are not listed. I know you don't know all the high traffic sites but please make an effort to get them posted. A Facebook page is OK, but unless I know to look for it or am invited I still won't see it. Some of the best triathlon sites:,, and .

Treat your runners right. I say this a lot but I mean it. I know you are trying to raise money for very good causes, but runners remember and runners talk. Races with no swag, no snacks, no water, no age divisions, no ENERGY, will not become the go-to race in your area. Example: I plan to attend a little run in a small town 60 miles away in a few weeks sponsored by the local 4-H club. Why? Because they make it a party. There are welcome signs all over the staging area and lots of fun beads, headbands, face stickers, etc. for the runners. Best of all the 4-H cooking groups make lots of cookies, cakes, cinnamon rolls and treats for the runners. I will not be doing a local run sponsored by a community group just a few miles from my home because they give nothing, don't thank the runners, provide no water or recovery fruit, and no medals except for the first place overall runners. They couldn't wait for the last runner to cross the line so they could get the heck out of there and be on with their day. Treat your runners right.

Encourage all ages and skill levels to participate. I understand wanting to draw the elite athletes to your event. They are awesome to watch and so inspirational. But have lots of age group divisions, not just 18 and under, 19-50, and Masters. Yes I have been to a few of these. Really. And a separate women's and men's divisions please. Don't start packing up the gear before the last runner crosses the line. While some can breeze through a 5K like it's a walk in the part for others it's a major accomplishment and should be celebrated.

OK, I'll step off my soap box. Hosting these events is a big job and takes lots of time, effort and volunteers. Thanks to all the race directors out there who give us such fun and challenging events to look forward. Now if I could just get my voice back I would make some calls and start filling in my race calendar for the year. Happy running!