Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Go Girl!

I'm so proud of Miss Claudia B.! She competed in the Olympic Triathlon National Championships this past weekend in Wisconsin. Claudia never ceases to amaze me. She meets every challenge and works her butt off to get it done. To see her smiling at the end of her run and hear the enthusiasm in her voice is so uplifting.

Her enthusiasm is also contagious. She has invited (read- dared, challenged, finagled) a group of us other Tri nutsto compete with her in an upcoming ladies only event, the Tiara Tri. I have to admit, she is winning me over and I'm seriously thinking about doing this one. It's a 400 meter swim, 9.5 mile bike, and 5K run.

The kicker for me is the swim. It's open water and that was one of my goals for the year. I've never swam in a lake and we don't have an open body of water in which to train. But this could be my one chance to cross this off my bucket list.

The down side is the timing of the event, only 2 weeks away. I've started back to work for the year and training time is almost nonexistent. To say I won't be physically prepared is an understatement.  The other problem is also work related. To get there in time to pick up my packet on Friday evening I would have to take off work at noon. I really hate to ask for a day off work when we have only been back a few weeks. I only get 2 days for the year and I don't use them unless I really need too.

But, I think I'm leaning toward going if I can work out the logistics. I know I can get through the race and finish and that's all I can expect this time. If I do this one it will be for the fun and fellowship of my friends. Plus the tiara we are promised when we finish!

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