Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Never a Dull Moment

I will have to say that while I'm training the darnedest thinks keep happening. Nothing major, but little things that keep throwing me off. It's only 10 days until the Big Pool Triathlon and little glitches keep popping up.

Today was a perfect example. I had planned to do a brick ride/run at distance, 12.5 miles bike and 3.1 miles run. It's been in the upper 90s here so I was planning a morning session. However, last evening our AC in our house went on strike and wouldn't keep the house cool. First thing this morning I called the repair service and they said it most likely wouldn't be until after lunch. Perfect. Plenty of time to get my ride in, practice transition 2, and then work my way through a run/walk.

When I was almost 5 miles from home my phone rang. You guessed it. The repair man was on the way to the house and would be there in 15 minutes. Yikes! I turned my bike around and hauled my tush as fast as I could for home. I kept expecting to see the repair truck passing me by on the highway as I pedaled harder then I have for a long time. Turns out the repair man was a little late and I beat him home by 3 minutes. Whew! That's the hardest I've worked on the bike in a long time. But it also meant no brick workout this morning. After checking my Garmin it turns out my "hauling tush" speed isn't a whole lot faster then my regular speed. Sad but true.

This just underscores the little things that have been cropping up. My swim cap split as I was putting it on at the pool. My sock kept walking down my foot during a run. Flats, I've had a few. I threw my back out on a run. My goggles kept filling with water one evening. On one run everything felt wrong. Hips, feet, knees, hair, bra, EVERYTHING! Maybe Karma is trying to tell me something.

But I'll get through. It will be OK. I'm past the stage of trying to push to the limit. I want to do well, but am not willing to risk my body to impress anyone. But my competitive spirit keeps rearing it's head and I don't want to embarrass myself. I also know that by being prepared I can enjoy the day without too much pain. I can do the distances, but not as well as I would like. I also haven't been able to work on transitions at all. Looks like I have my work cut out for me next week.

This afternoon I'm going to the Big Pool to swim and get used to the 50 meter distance, then get my 3 mile run in around the zoo. That is if nothing else goes wrong. In the mean time I'll sit in my nice cool house and check my gear one more time. Maybe Karma will be on my side for once!

1 comment:

  1. Remember, it's all about the process and the cumulative effect of training. You will do great!
