Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Groundhog Day - Again!

Amber, Kate, Claudia, and I ready to run the tunnels!
I’m starting to feel like I’m in the movie “Groundhog Day” for real. For the 5th year in a row I’ve woken up in Kansas City and headed to the tunnels of Subtropolis for the TLC Groundhog Run. And for the 4th time I’ve used this race as my fundraiser for Arthritis National Research Foundation as part of the Race For A Cure team. I always come away in awe of the amazing underground world in the heart of such an urban setting. I’m also in awe of the generous spirit of my friends and family. They really came through for me and blasted through my donation goal, raising $1,225.00!

Don't take a wrong turn!
The run itself was a little anticlimactic, especially since I didn’t do the entire 10K and only finished one lap of the course. In my defense, that was my plan and I actually tried to change my registration from the 10K to the 5K, but with both races sold out there was no way to transfer to the shorter race. I have not been able to get back on track after my flare over the Christmas break. I knew the 5K was all I could manage.

Starting out at the back of the pack I managed my intervals for the first 2 miles. But I knew I didn’t want to cross the line too early and possibly cheat someone else out of a hard earned award so I dawdled the last mile and took lots of pictures and generally had a great time. When Kate passed me on her way to the finish line I thought it was safe to start running again. I finished in just under an hour and sheepishly accepted my medal.

Kate, Claudia, Dan, and I. First event together
in a long time. 
On the whole it was a great weekend. Dinner on Saturday evening with Amber M. and her family was fun, the ride with Kate H. was filled with laughter, and seeing Claudia B. again made the weekend even more special. It’s been a long time since Kate, Claudia, and I did an event together and it felt like old times. Dan K. was there too. Team 4F was well represented! I don’t know if I’ll go back next year or not. It’s a unique place to run and a nice winter incentive to keep busy but 5 times may be the charm. It will be interesting to see what happens next Groundhog Day when my alarm rings in the morning.

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