Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Half Marathon RUN

Yolanda, Meghan, and I,
Proud 1/2 Marathon Finishers!
I’ve been able to say I’ve completed a half marathon for a while now but I have always added the caveat that I’ve WALKED the 13.1 miles with only a few running bits thrown in. As of this weekend I feel I can say I’ve RUN a half marathon. I ran most of the first 4 miles and quite a bit after that. If I go back through my Garmin data I could get exact figures but I’m confident in saying that I ran at least 5 miles. I don’t know at what point that becomes enough to move from the walk to run category, but by the powers vest in me by, well, me, I declare it a RUN!!

The OKC Memorial Marathon/Half Marathon is an amazing race with unique community support and an atmosphere that begs runners to return year after year. Last year’s run was filled with drama as well as emotion with storms delaying the start by almost 2 hours. I walked 13.1 miles with my good friend Claudia B. and finished with a smile. This year I was to walk with Betsy G. a friend from high school. Several from the area were doing the run as well including Meghan M., Yolanda R., Dan K., and several others from my Running Friends group. It’s a party and we don’t mind making the long drive to OKC to be part of the fun.

Unfortunately Betsy found out the day before we left that her mother needed to be moved to the big city for more medical attention and needed to be with her. I absolutely agreed but realized that I would be walking by myself this time. I adjusted my thinking and decided to take the opportunity to really enjoy the day and make connection with the wonderful people in the neighborhoods that make this such a special event.

Always ready with a glass of wine.
Meghan, Yolanda, and I drove down Saturday morning and aside from forgetting to look at the fuel gage and thankfully finding a gas station quickly the ride was smooth. Saturday evening we shared supper with Kate H. and her sisters (Kate is coming back from an injury but her sisters were running the 1/2) and got to bed by 9:00. 4:30 came around awfully fast! We woke to perfect weather: temps in the mid 50s and overcast with a slight breeze. Not a thunderstorm in sight!

We wished each other luck at the starting line and promised to meet up on the other side with a smile. Since I’ve been feeling better and was full of energy I decided to run the first 3 miles. That part is through mainly business and commercial areas so there aren’t as many spectators along the way. It’s not until we get into the neighborhoods that the fun really begins. So I kept up the pace and amazingly finished the first 4 miles with only a few walk breaks, mainly on uphill portions of the route.

One of the first characters I came across was a lovely older gentleman sitting at a small bistro table with a bottle of wine smoking a big cigar who was willing to share a glass of bubbly with anyone who wanted to stop. I didn’t share a drink but did stop to take our picture. So many of the neighborhoods play music and post signs and offer water, pretzels, fruit,
Bouncing along with Tigger.
and encouragement. It’s a party all through the middle of the race. I stopped to take a picture with a cute little guy in a Tigger costume who was bouncing all over the place. And of course I had to get a picture of the gorilla waiting for us at Gorilla Hill. This group goes nuts! Music, people in banana costumes, fruit, cheering, and all of this well into the run with as much enthusiasm for us slow people as for the fast people who went by much earlier.

One little guy caught my eye as he held a sign that said “Free Cupcakes” He looked a little sad that not everyone was stopping to take his cupcakes so I HAD to stop. I thanked him and bit into the treat and it tasted so good at mile 9 that I think I groan and he started to chuckle. That made my day!

Gorilla Hill, Party Central!
The last part if the race is back through business areas but the crowd support is still amazing. When I got to the finish line chute the sidelines were packed with cheering crowds who didn’t care if you were fast or slow, running or walking. They were there to thank the participants for supporting their city and the Memorial. To them I say, You’re Welcome!

When I stopped my Garmin I realized that I had set a new PR. I can only imagine how much faster my time would have been if I hadn’t stopped to take pictures and eat cupcakes and dance with a cute little Tigger, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I ran more than I thought I would, stopped to enjoy the sights and sounds, and made a mountain of new memories. Today I’m sore and my hips are not happy but I will be back next year and maybe this time I’ll stop and have that glass of wine and hope for a cupcake or two as I RUN another half marathon.
Finished and smiling!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Take It To The Limit

As I’m participating in an event I try to allow the moment to fill me, to bring me new insight, to take away a new understanding of myself or the world around me. After finishing the Outrun Childhood Obesity (OCO) ½ Marathon on Saturday I can honestly say I was filled with a Peaceful Easy Feeling even though the wind was blowing at 25 mph and my hips were making their displeasure known quite emphatically.

My race started early. The race director Meghan, a good friend of mine, again allowed me to start early so I would finish with the rest of the pack instead staggering in long after everyone else has finished. She allowed me to do this last year and as things turned out, a few others could have benefited from an early start as well. It was a cold 36 degrees with a wind chill of 28 when I hit the road. I showed my Garmin to Meghan’s dad to verify my start and headed south out of town into a 15 mph wind. (This is truly the beauty of small town races!)

Still smiling after the OCO 1/2 Marathon
I have just discovered the joy of listening to music as I walk/run and was loving the 70’s channel on my SiriusXM app on my phone. Up until recently I had only listened to myself gasping for air and talking to myself in my head. Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown kept me company while I caught Boogie Fever and did some Jive Talkin’. As the wind picked up the Eagles kept me soaring. But when the wind kicked up to 25 mph and Dust In The Wind by Kansas came on I almost burst out laughing as tumbleweeds rolled along beside me.

The return leg of the race is special to me. By starting early I get the chance to meet all the runners as they are still heading out to the turn around. Most give me a high five or a thumbs up and those that I know shout encouragement as I give them a big smile and try to boost their spirits. It truly is a special part of the OCO race for me and I’m so glad Meghan let’s me experience this.

As I was running one of the downhill stretches it occurred to me: I had a little more energy and a little less pain than in the past. Don’t get me wrong, my hips still hurt, but not nearly as bad as they would have a few months ago. I haven’t been as totally exhausted lately either, just more tired them most. Progress? I sure hope so. The new biologic treatment might actually be getting the upper hand in this battle with RA. No wonder I felt a sense of peace and calm. For the first time in 18 months I felt like I was taking a step forward instead of treading water or even falling farther behind.

I finished my ½ marathon in just over 3 hours and shaved 17 minutes off my previous PR. Yet another reason to smile after the race. Now, a few days later, I’m a little sore and my hips still ache but for the first time I’m optimistic about controlling my disease. I’ll keep listening to my 70’s hits as I plod along and the Eagles and I will Take It To The Limit one more time.