Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

To Race or Not To Race

Yesterday there was a local 5K race and I was torn between signing up or sitting this one out. I did this race last year and it was OK but it didn't hit my hot button. Plus it's one of the most expensive races in the area with not much benefit for the buck. So I sat it out. Besides, I needed to get a bike ride in over the weekend and the weather forecast was slightly better for yesterday. I can make up a hundred excuses but they all lead to the same place. I didn't feel like running that race. Until I'm further along in the run part of my tri training I don't need the distraction.

So I put that race out of my mind and waited for the wind to die down to head out for a 14 mile ride. I was trying a new route and it involved riding through town, something I'm not very comfortable with right now. When the wind slacked for a little while I hit the road, headed out on the highway around town, then back through the heart of our little city. The wind was not too bad and I was feeling very comfortable, even on the city streets, until...

I forgot about the race. Traffic was blocked off for the runners at points across their route and I knew I would be sitting for awhile. But since I knew the route from the year before I cut over a few streets and was able to get on with my ride. Only now I was on Main Street with stop lights at every corner and cars pulling in and out of parking slots. Thankfully traffic was light at that time of day and I didn't have any problems. So now I can say I've ridden my bike down Main Street. Another first!

As I watched some of the runners cross the street I thought maybe I should have worked it out so I could run the race, more to support the race organizers then for my own benefit. They put a lot of work into these events and without local races many runners would not have the incentive to hit the road. But I needed to stick to my schedule and keep my big goal in mind. I'll be ready to do a full run in a few weeks but right now I need to concentrate on my heart rate training and building my stamina slowly. For me, skipping the race was the right decision.

My thoughts are with my friends C, M, and G, as they run the Oklahoma City Memorial 1/2 Marathon today. Go girls!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Running Against the Wind

It was windy here again, but that's nothing new. At least I was able to work my route out so that the wind was at my back for the second half of my run. It didn't help much. My legs felt like they weighed a hundred pounds but the time I finished the first half of my run. My pace was pretty slow but I kept my heart rate in the proper zone most of the time. I know I'm making progress but I'm a very impatient person and I want to be strong and fast NOW.

Sometime in the next two days I need to go for a ride so I'll watch the weather forecast and try to pick a time when the wind is manageable. I got a new riding jersey I want to try out. It's bright yellow so everyone for a mile around can see me!
Mother Nature and Tri Training

She almost got the best of me. Even though I swim at an indoor pool the weather outside nearly wrecked my training for the evening. Apparently if there is lightning in the area they have to close the pool, even the indoor pool, until there are no lightning strikes for 30 minutes. It was cloudy and a front was moving through so I wasn't sure if they would open or not before I had to get back home. I was working out in my mind when I could shift workouts and how I could make up this day.

While I waited I OFFICIALLY registered for the Big Pool Triathlon. It's in writing and the money has changed hands. I'm in. I don't know how many they are expecting but I will be one of them. In reality I'm not that scared or intimidated by the event. With my training schedule I know I'll do fine, but the young girl at the front desk looked at me a little funny and said "really?" when I told her what I was registering for. Talk about a confidence killer. I think I look like I'm in pretty good shape but maybe to a high school girl I look a little different. Or maybe she just doesn't think of older people as triathletes. Either way, I was a little deflated.

The waiting paid off and they finally opened the pool and maybe because of the reaction from the girl out front or some inner voice, I swam the first 400 meters in under 12:00. I can't see the clock too clearly without my glasses (there's that age thing again) but I could see the big hand and I felt really great. The next 400 meters were only slightly slower and for the first time I completed 800 meters with only brief 15 seconds stops at the 50 meter marks.

I have noticed that my heart rate is slower if I can use a four stroke breathing pattern which I seem to be able to maintain once I've gotten really warmed up. The tri-suit is on order and I can't wait to try swimming in that thing. It will be interesting to try and stuff myself into it!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Full Day. Aren't They All?!

The first thing I read when I was thinking of going for a triathlon was that your family had to be on board and you should train on YOUR time, not theirs. Good advice for life, not just those in training. I'm managing to train when my Hubby is at work so he doesn't even notice, but the other things around the house, like the lawn and laundry, oh, and dinner, he might take note of if neglected. That's what is keeping me hopping and as the workouts get longer it will become more of an issue.

Today involved a 14.4 mile bike ride in just over an hour and a quick mow of the grass. Follow this up with a trip to the BBQ joint for supper and I can see how my next two months are going to look. Time management will be critical. Between a full time job, a part time job, and training I hope I can keep up. I'm lucky I'm off work for the last three weeks of training so that will help. I just hope I keep it together until then.

By the way, the ride was not bad at all. My heart rate stayed fairly low and even and my speed was OK. Tomorrow is a swimming day. Ah the smell of chlorine. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Double Up Day

Today was the first double up day, swimming and running. Let me tell you running in a wet suit is not that fun. Thankfully it was nice and warm out today but I can see that might be a problem on a cool morning. Come to think of it, swimming on a cool morning might not be too fun either. Hmmmmm.

I'm trying to double up on the distance recommended but keep the rest intervals the same so today I swam 500 meters but rested after each 50. On the run I did six sets of intervals instead of two. I know they are taking it from the beginning but I think I can push those numbers a little and be alright. But the heart rate training and intervals are what I need.

Speaking of heart rate, I forgot my monitor strap. I really need to get myself together. Tomorrow is a rest day. Woo Hoo!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I mentioned Team 4F earlier and feel that group needs more attention. The four "F"s stand for Friends, Fellowship, Fitness, and Fun. That about sums it up. We're a diverse group that includes all fitness and ability levels (thank goodness, I wouldn't be allowed in most other "running clubs"). Most run or cycle, a few do everything under the sun. Some are amazing athletes, others are weekend worriers. We mostly provide encouragement and support and advice when we can. It's a great way to find out about races in the area or hook up with a few others for a ride or a run.

It's with those Team 4F members in mind that I did my run this morning. This is the last week leading up to a major milestone for several members, the Oklahoma City Marathon and 1/2 Marathon. Running that distance does not interest me at all. But then again, doing a Triathlon doesn't interest some of them either. That's what makes Team 4F such a great group, we appreciate the effort of any of our members and applaud their accomplishments big or small.

My run went well and compared to the last run it was better all the way around, heart rate included. I survived my first week of tri-training in pretty good shape. Next week gets a little more difficult. Here I go!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wind, Wind, Wind

When I looked ahead at the forecast today looked like a great day for a ride. So I contacted a few friends, invited members of Team 4F (a group of nuts just like me) and planned on a long leisurely ride. Yeah, right.

The day started on a somber note with the funeral for a friend and co-worker's wife. As we left the service I noticed the wind. Lots of it. Even in town. But with friends planning on a ride and me being the one to call the ride there was no way to back out. The only hope was to pick the route with the least headwind.

It was so tempting to just do a short short ride, or take the bikes to the zoo and ride laps around the park, out of the worst of the wind. But our competitive natures won out and we headed north, straight into a 24 mph headwind. Five long grueling miles later we make the first turn into a slightly less torturous direction. Six miles later I was drained. But the next turn took us south, with that same lovely wind now at our backs. FUN!!!! It almost made the agony of the first 11 miles worth the effort. Almost. It's the fastest four miles I have ever ridden and they came to an end way too soon. Then it was back into a cross wind but nothing we couldn't handle.

I'm tired but feel good for having done the ride. I've always said I'm a fair weather runner/rider. But I may have to get over that because there are no guarantees it will be good weather on race day. Now I know I can ride in the wind. But that doesn't mean I like it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Responding to this Blog

It looks like you have to have an account with one of the "profile" services on the drop down menu. I have a gmail account so I was able to use that. If you don't have any of these accounts that's fine. I didn't realize that was part of the deal. Live and learn.
Evening Swimming Just Feels Different

Lap swim didn't open until 7:30 so instead of going right after work I got to come home, do some laundry, mow the grass, THEN go swimming. I was afraid I would be too tired to do a good workout but I proved myself wrong. It just seemed strange and out of order but I guess I could get used to it. I still beat Hubby home for supper but when the workouts get longer that won't be possible.

I swam farther then recommended but kept to the rest break pattern. If I could just see the clock on the wall to count my pulse that would be great!

Tomorrow I'm planning a 30 mile ride with Kate, part of our prep for the Hays ride. Not part of the training schedule but will have to do.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Change Is Good

Overcome, Improvise, Adapt. I'm adopting the Marine motto and applying it to my training. The schedule called for a bike ride but the YMCA has lap swim at 5:30 today so, presto change-o, switch it up. But then I walked outside after work and what a beautiful day in the neighborhood! No wind! Which is a big thing in western Kansas. So, presto change-o, switch back to a bike ride. Swimming tomorrow isn't until 7:30 but with Hubby working late that shouldn't be a problem. (I hope.)

I actually kept my heart rate in the right range, or at least I think I did. Did 10 easy miles and rode into town to the bike store for a rear view mirror. Still not comfortable driving in the city, but getting better.

Tomorrow is swimming for sure. I promise.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day One. Temptation Already Rearing It's Ugly Head...Already!

First day of Tri training and I've already been tempted to cheat. Kate sent out an email asking for company on a bike ride and it would have been so easy to say yes. But alas, I resisted and hit the pavement.

This training program uses heart rate zones for training which is new to me. I'm still trying to define my zones but it's not easy. Do you know how many formulas are out there? Way to many and they all come up with different zones and rates.

I did the workout and then some because I knew I could, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Tomorrow is a rest day (I know! Already!) so I'm going to try to lift a few weights, do some crunches, and stretch. The adventure begins.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Challenge, the Story Begins

First 5K race of the 2012 season.

New Challenge

Life is a challenge, so why add new challenges on top of that? To stay active. To stay focused. To stay YOUNG. This year the challenge is to compete in a Triathlon. That's swimming, biking, and running in the same race. Crazy, right?

Some strive to run longer distances but I was a sprinter in high school, specifically a hurdler. Making me run the 400 felt like punishment. So what the heck am I doing running 5K (3.1 mile) races around the area. Honestly, I have no idea. I don't get that great feeling you hear about while running. My lungs hurt, my heart pounds, my hips and knees scream at me, and I sweat like a pig. But love the feeling when I finish; tired, empowered, free, proud.

But running longer distances is not in my mind set. Even in track I felt a 100m dash needed to be interrupted by some hurdles to be interesting. So why not throw some other interesting detours into the mix. Add a swim, maybe a bike ride, and now you have a race!

I found a beginner program I think I can live with/through, and picked out the triathlon I want to debut/drown in, and I'm ready to begin. Training starts tomorrow for the race on June 30. I can do this! Cheer me on!