Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Racing For A Cure

Dan, me, Kate, Patricia (Kate's Sister)
Yesterday was the TLC Groundhog Run in Kansas City. It's the only completely underground 10K in the
USA and benefits the local organization that supports children with disabilities. It's also the race I choose to use as my fund raiser for Racing For A Cure, an organization that raises money for research to fight all forms of arthritis. Helping two groups at one time is pretty special. That's why I drive 7 hours to KC and ignore my claustrophobia to run in the tunnels of a limestone mine. That, and the really cool finisher medal!

I have been trying to rebuild my stamina but it seems life gets in the way sometimes. Between the holidays and all the distractions that brings I didn't get as much training in as I really should have but I only have so much energy and when it's gone it's gone. My game plan was to work hard for the first 5K and relax and enjoy the ride for the second half. The 10K is not my race anyway and PRs are a thing of the past. Finishing upright with a smile and a thumbs up is winning in my books.

Thank you Sponsors!
My friends and family really came through for me this year. I was so happy to see the donations roll in for my fund raiser. Even more important was the information I was able to pass along about the struggles those with RA face every day. If in some small way I can help others understand RA and how important it is to find better treatment and someday, God willing, a cure, then my struggles will be worth the pain. It's never too late to donate so if you feel the urge to help log onto my donation page:

This year I was going to have to drive by myself since another girl from the area had to pull out of the run. My hubby really didn't want me to drive home tired and sore all alone so he gave up his planned activity on Sunday (his men's group cooks and serves a Groundhog Supper) to spend the weekend with me. He's not a big fan of going to the races because, honestly, it's pretty boring for those left behind at the start/finish line. There usually isn't much to do to keep them entertained and I take a long time to finish. He's such a good sport and didn't complain too much but I know it wasn't a fun time for him. He takes such good care of me and his support means the world to me. I know I would have been fine driving home but it really was nice to just relax and rest. Thanks Hubby!

The starting area.
I met up with Kate H. and Dan K. and we headed back into the tunnel to the starting line. I waited until the
slower wave passed by then started my run/walk with almost 1400 other runners. It was cold and drizzly outside and I had worn a long sleeve shirt under my jersey. Big Mistake! It actually gets quite warm and stuffy deep in the tunnels and I was overheating big time. By mile 1 I was looking for a pillar I could hide behind and strip my shirts off. With a quick change of clothes I was back on the road and feeling much better. I kept to my intervals for the first 5K and when I looked at my watch was pleased with my time. Not fast, but in my range of normal.

Then I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. Now this is how to enjoy a race. I talked to the volunteers, shouted encouragement to the fast people as they passed me, and talked to others along the way. I think I like this concept!

Running through a long long tunnel.
Somewhere around mile 5.5 my hips really started hurting. Amazingly, running felt a little better then walking so I probably ran a lot more then I had planned. I was limping pretty bad by the time I finished but I made it to the end. So the car ride home was not pleasant. We stopped several times so I could get out to walk but it was pretty painful. I moved like a zombie and about as fast. It's better today but I'm getting up and moving every chance I get.

Finished, smiling, thumbs up!
I did have a goal time in mind and I beat it by almost 3 minutes. My Hubby and friends were at the finish line cheering me on. Kate and Dan had run really well and were kind enough to wait around for this slow poke. We caught the shuttle back to the hotel for a quick shower and then hit the road for the long drive home. Another Groundhog Run in the books. 

I don't know if I'll do this run again but if you have the chance you should give it a try. It is the most unique place to run and it's for a worthy cause. And the 10K finisher medal is really neat!

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