Training for a triathlon and fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis can take a lot out of a body. I need all the positive vibes you can send!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Running Against the Wind

It was windy here again, but that's nothing new. At least I was able to work my route out so that the wind was at my back for the second half of my run. It didn't help much. My legs felt like they weighed a hundred pounds but the time I finished the first half of my run. My pace was pretty slow but I kept my heart rate in the proper zone most of the time. I know I'm making progress but I'm a very impatient person and I want to be strong and fast NOW.

Sometime in the next two days I need to go for a ride so I'll watch the weather forecast and try to pick a time when the wind is manageable. I got a new riding jersey I want to try out. It's bright yellow so everyone for a mile around can see me!

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